A dose of reality...

Having Chronic Hives is not for the weak and weary.  It's a disease that forces a person to make tough decisions about their life.  In order to search for answers and comfort a sufferer may have to leave the world of known facts and enter into uncharted territory....territory where there is no solution, or any answers of record.  This is what I learned in the months after first acquiring this disease.  I learned that the best solution I was going to get out of the established medical community was some medicine that didn't work very well and plenty of doctors who didn't know very much.  (This was in 1975.)  They knew nothing about a cause!

Back during my first bout of Chronic Hives I remember being stunned when the dermatologist told me that it was something I would have to "live with."  That was impossible!  It couldn't be real.  I can remember times after that when I seriously contemplated that a person could commit suicide if a disease like this did not let up.  I had small children.  I didn't want to be that person.  That made me think that taking risks was most certainly worth it in this case.  And that, coupled with some clues, is what eventually led me to experiment on myself in a search for a treatment and cure. 

I know we live in a world where most people would not do some of the kinds of things I've done.  I think of myself as a practical person guided by common sense and reason.  I played a hunch that seemed utterly logical to me.  The biggest problem I had was the inability to clearly interpret the results.  It took five bouts of hives, and the repeat cure of each, to give me developing confidence that I was actually onto something.  But times are good now.  I have discovered in my 6th bout of hives a different method of cure, that for the typical person has no risk at all.  I want to know, understandably so, if it works for others!  Read about my method of curing hives with mineral oil.

If you've read through this web site and have come to the conclusion that what I'm saying can't possibly be true because I have no professional connection to the medical community...and lord knows, what I'm claiming about the disease theory itself flies in the face of the medical community!--then I only want to direct you to learning about a fascinating, but nevertheless true, story about how vaccination came to be in our world.  If you don't know the story already you might guess that vaccination was introduced sometime after 1850 or even 1900 by a dedicated medical researcher like Louis Pasteur or his kind.  But the truth is that it was brought to the world by a farmer applying his practical knowledge and common sense, using his own family as "guinea pigs."  I am mentioning it so you don't forget that sometimes in life a person must call the bottom line shots about their course of action, even if it goes against all known advice.  Read about farmer Benjamin Jesty's 1774 vaccination of his family.  It took the medical community another 20 years to adopt the method, steal the credit, and begin administering vaccinations against smallpox!

If you think the aforementioned example is a complete anomaly, then maybe you would also be interested in learning the history of Penicillin.  Discovered in the 1800's, it wasn't until 1920 that profound observations were written about it by Belgian researchers, and then virtually ignored.  It took another 25 years before it was introduced to the world as a miracle drug. 

Medicine does not have a track record of rushing to cure disease.  Today, the emphasis is put on controlling chronic symptoms with "lifetime" prescriptions.  If you ran a drug company, why would you NOT want a disease to be chronic??  And this is the source of most research!  I'm just saying don't hold your breath waiting for the industry to become concerned about your little itching nuisance.

(Note: this is not a claim that the medical and pharmaceutical profession have not brought great benefits to society.  They have.  I'm saying that they also have shortcomings that sometimes result in failure to deliver.  Chronic Hives in one of those examples.

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